Studies show that 92% of people trust recommendations from individuals, even if they don’t know them, over brands. This stems from various thoughts and reasonings among consumers. People trust other people, such as family and close friends, who they consider reputable and that they trust and value the opinions of. People tend to see brands as selfish, caring more about their own good than their customers, and that’s not completely wrong (to varying degrees).

How does this translate to a successful business? Consumers are more likely to trust a brand and buy their product or service if they can associate a person with the brand. This person may be a family member or friend, a spokesperson for the brand, or the CEO. It is especially important for CEOs or the “face of the company” to build a strong personal brand. However, it is just as important for you to be building your personal brand if you aren’t the face of a company.


Tips for Building Your Personal Brand


Know your WHY

Knowing your “why” is the first step in creating both your personal brand and an actual brand. Why do you do what you do? What motivates you?  What is your purpose? Knowing your “why” will guide every decision you make. This “why” also becomes part of your mission statement or is at least mirrored by it.


Make your values KNOWN

When building your personal brand, you’re bringing together like-minded people. Whatever your personal values are, let them be known and clear. Being true to who you are and sharing that is what will build a strong following and attract loyal customers. When people see you, they should have a clear understanding of who you are and what you stand for.


Consistency is KEY

Once you have established your “why”, keep your messaging and your brand consistent. Staying consistent is key to building trust and rapport, and trust is perhaps the most important component to keeping the relationships with your customers.